- B.E. in Automation Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2008
- M.E. in System Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2011
- Ph.D in Computer Science, University of Tennessee Knoxville, 2017
- Advisor: Dr. Jack Dongarra
- Doctoral Dissertation: Extensions of Task-based Runtime for High Performance Dense Linear Algebra Applications
Work Experience
- June 2017 to present: Software Engineer
- Intel Corporation
- Austin, TX
- June 2013 to August 2013: System Research Intern
- Samsung Research America
- San Jose, CA
- Supervisor: Dr. Fengguang Song
Open Source Code Contribution
- High-performance and widely portable MPI implementation
- A generic framework for architecture aware scheduling and management of micro-tasks on distributed many-core heterogeneous architecture.
- A high-performancedense dense linear algebra library for heterogeneous/hybrid architectures.
- Programming languages:
- C/C++
- Python
- Java
- Parallel computing skills:
- Pthread
- OpenMP
Selected Publications
(Please refer google scholar page for full publication list)
- Design for a Soft Error Resilient Dynamic Task-based Runtime
- C Cao, T Herault, G Bosilca, J Dongarra
- Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2015 IEEE International
- Flexible linear algebra development and scheduling with cholesky factorization
- A Haidar, A YarKhan, C Cao, P Luszczek, S Tomov, J Dongarra
- High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2015
- Unified Development for Mixed Multi-GPU and Multi-coprocessor Environments Using a Lightweight Runtime Environment
- A Haidar, C Cao, A YarKhan, P Luszczek, S Tomov, K Kabir, J Dongarra
- Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2014 IEEE International
- Performance and portability with OpenCL for throughput-oriented HPC workloads across accelerators, coprocessors, and multicore processors
- C Cao, M Gates, A Haidar, P Luszczek, S Tomov, I Yamazaki
- 5th workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems (ScalA), 2014
- clMAGMA: High performance dense linear algebra with OpenCL
- C Cao, J Dongarra, P Du, M Gates, P Luszczek, S Tomov
- 1st International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL), 2013